Tulip Ice Cream Bowls


By Heather Bolen

Image credit: Miana Jun

Feed your love of tulips with this edible tulip dessert!

Tulips are one of the world’s most popular flowers, valued all over the world for their beauty and color. However, it’s a little-known fact that the tulip’s bulb and petals are edible. (Remove the bitter, yellow core of the bulb as it is poisonous.)

In Cooking with Flowers, Miche Bacher brings us sweet and savory recipes using edible flowers, including one for tulip ice cream bowls.

There are plenty of edible ice cream containers out there, but none so fetching as a tulip. A lovely tulip brimming with creamy ice cream is a sight to behold. I like to add a couple of fresh berries and a splash of tulip syrup. —Miche Bacher

Bon appétit!



  • 4 tulip blossoms

  • 4 large or 12 small scoops ice cream

  • 1 pt. Fresh berries

  • Several teaspoons of Tulip Syrup


Prop each tulip in a container that will help it stand upright, such as an eggcup or a champagne flute. Place 1 large scoop (or 3 small scoops) ice cream in each tulip. Drizzle a little tulip syrup over each and place a few fresh berries on top. Serve immediately!

Incredibly, this lovely springtime dessert resembles a unique and rare tulip variety called, appropriately enough, an “Ice Cream” Tulip.


Photo [detail]: Stock Photos from Flying Object/Shutterstock


Looks good enough to eat! Any garden would be lucky to have a heaping double scoop of this tulip variety.

You can read more about this extraordinary tulip HERE.

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