15 Tulip Divisions
By Heather Bolen
Decorative painting by Flora Roberts
Tulips are classified into 15 different groups, or divisions. Each of these divisions has a number and a name. The name of each division is what’s important here.
Tulips are categorized in these groups based on common characteristics that they share, such as shape, heritage, and flowering time. These 15 divisions are not part of the scientific taxonomic pyramid. Instead, they were created by horticulturalists to aid nurseries and gardeners in breeding, planting, and garden design.
There are over 150 different species in the Tulipa genus, with over 3,000 different varieties registered to date, and more to come as plant breeders continue creating new hybrids.
That’s a lot to sort through!
These 15 groupings will help you create an amazing long‑lasting garden.
This group includes the oldest cultivars (pre‑17th century).
Early blooming peony‑like flowers.
The largest tulip group.
The tallest and sturdiest tulips, with the biggest blooms.
Very tall, made up of ancient race of Darwin and Cottage tulips.
Considered by many to be the most beautiful group of tulips, they are similar in style to the Ottoman tulips of the eighteenth century.
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Handmade. Hand-illustrated.